Tuesday, December 17, 2013

First Day in Montreal



      Surely I will learn some French here.  Few signs, newspapers or books are in English.  I stopped to get in out of the cold at a little coffee shop where I could sit and watch people.  I practiced reading French in the only paper available.  Earlier I found a bookstore with one small section in English.

     As I sat and read it began to snow large soft flakes into the - 4 degrees Fahrenheit air.


      I headed off to the Metro system to find my way home.  This is the block where I am staying.  Montreal is very civilized.  The city is responsible for plowing roads and plowing the sidewalks.  They also plant all of the trees to shade the roads and walkways.  We walked to a big market this morning for cheese and produce.  Walking was easy on these nicely plowed sidewalks.


      I am staying in what I think of as a flat with a most wonderful family.  The front room is a small yoga studio.  Below is a photo of my "home".  Notice the outside stairs.  These go to a second flat upstairs. More tomorrow!


  1. I love the pics! Looks so nice! Get some maple syrup on the snow!

  2. Thanks, there are so many maple syrup products at the local market... and even a maple syrup cookbook. Check the next post, Marc, bike photos!


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