Thursday, August 20, 2015

A Writer's AWOL

AWOL means "absent from one's post, without intent to desert."  Those of you who might have been wondering why I have been AWOL, deserve an explanation.  Maybe you were thinking that I was intending to cap my pen, unplug the computer and take a cat nap.. never to write a tale again.  It has been some weeks.  Uncharacteristic.  But, I am back.  Mark me present and returned to post.  

Twenty years ago I was given a guest tour of a cabin in the woods up a nearby canyon.  With its multiplicity of windows- through which the sound of a river and the smell of pines drifted- it became my cabin standard.  Now, soon, it will be mine.  I left one morning, almost the very next day after noticing that the cabin was on the market and ventured up to see it.  My realtor and I had to stop at the checkpoint and explain to the sheriff why we wanted to go into the canyon.. which happened to be under a stage one fire evacuation.  When I said that I was looking to buy a cabin, the sheriff burst out laughing and waved us on.

I have wanted or rather needed a place that can become a writer's retreat.  I never have enough time to write in my lovely old home in town.  The cabin will be perfect.  So back to being AWOL, I have been busy dreaming, financing, sprucing and sorting.  The cats have been keeping me company while I paint or trim hedges.  The house is looking better.  Ready for market.
Look at that back wall paint job!
This beautiful home with its stream and sunflowers will one day no longer be mine except in memories.  I have been savoring its views.  Only a few days ago I decided to slow down and put it on the market later, formally in the spring (although it may become someone else's sooner).  I must continue to finish odd and end tasks on the house, but I'm not going to be so neglectful of writing, not AWOL again.  Besides, my dear friends who know of the unexpected demands on my time have been leaving me gifts to sustain me.  

More on that cabin soon..

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